
Coveted #2

3 days in Milan are impending, and I have collected a small mental list of items that I hope to bring back home.

/Thunder bird sunnies/

/White jeans/

/More bracelets to add to my ever-growing collection, and to include on the CAPUTCAUDA SHOP which will be launching shortly!/

/A tan (3 days may or may not be sufficient for this)/

(Pictures borrowed from theyallhateus,,, theblondesalad)


Gotta love it when my momma inflicts a fashion craving on me, which I was previously completely oblivious to. Enter the Celine Audrey sunglasses. Worn by all the right people (Rumi from fashiontoast to name just one of my favorites) and inspired both in shape and name by the glasses worn by Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Must. Own.