

Dubai-MarinaIt’s been a minute – hoping to be back for a few.
What’s new you ask? A newly booked trip to Dubai. This emirate with it’s blend of Arabic culture, sky reaching architecture, sizzling heat and clash between the New and Old world has long been on the top of my travel bucket list. Cannot wait to explore this Jewel of the Desert. Don’t hesitate to drop a few recommendations should you know a thing or two worthy of sharing:)



Photo 03-08-14 14.58.40Photo 05-08-14 19.36.38Photo 08-08-14 20.58.10Photo 13-08-14 17.19.13Photo 13-08-14 20.06.56Photo 09-08-14 20.35.48A few snaps from my past few weeks, which have been busy with me adjusting to my new life as a born-again student, hence silence in the blogasphere. Expanding my horizon on the great Kofi Annan and all his work for the UN, souvenir from Geneva reminding me of my sister every time I open my fridge, fruits of the sea enjoyed with friends, first real grown-up purchase (baby car!), vegetarian spaghetti bolognese with an old New York friend, and marveling at the my red hot Loubs while biking through the city.


A cluttered home is a cluttered mind

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Since I’ve been posting interior design inspiration lately, I figured I’d give you a little peek of my own humble abode. These few shots pretty much summarize what it is about my place that makes me feel at home – my 10 year collection of glossy magazines, sentimental art pieces, miniature New York brought home from my stay in the city a few years back, books and books on end (and the custom book shelf made by my dad), solid classics (both furniture and accessory-wise), and of course my dear light-brown boxed beauties. Above all though – simplicity.