Sex and the City

In the city of s**

100207_sex03_400X40021_sjpoutfits_lgsarah_jessica_parker_in_sex_and_the_city-_the_movie_wallpaper_11_1024sex-and-the-city-2-sept8-01tumblr_l5bj5iq5Vi1qc1aoySex_and_the_City_2_1023851a4-Big-Bun_article_horizontal052808sexcity1SamanthaJones sex-and-the-city-movie2 Carrie-Bradshaw-satc-movie2_0 sex_and_the_city_the_movie_full__2 sex_and_the_city_movie134 raspberry-heels-malinowe-obcasy-sarah-jessica-parker-carrie-bradshaw-sex-and-the-city-quotes-31 bodacarriebigI know. I couldn’t have presented you with a more cliché post even if I tried. Hard. But I must admit – SATC will always be a limitless fountain of outfit inspiration, even to a classic/boring black-and-white-and-nude prude like myself. I recently revisited with the two movies, just to sit through 2 hours straight of bright outfits and accessories and hairstyles and shoes. See the main thread is timeless – brave, bold, adventurous personalities personify much better through color and vibrance than through 50 shades of black.
At least that’s what I’m feeling for now. So I’ll give it a go. The Carrie Way.
(PS I also watch for New York. Always always NYC ❤ )


Throwback Sunday

It’s a lazy, slightly rocky (health-wise) Sunday on my part, but just had to share this shot from Sex and the City, season 2. Now I know not all of you may have watched this series, and not all of you may have considered it tone-setting when it comes to fashion. But if you, like myself, thought these ladies were daring and creative when it came to putting together ensembles, can you imagine how much the do’s and dont’s of fashion change years? Apparently what Miranda is wearing was once extremely chic, and who knows maybe those sunnies will someday soon resurface as the must-have item of a season.

I’m an American. You’ve gotta take it down a notch.

Stumbled across this lovely Oscar de la Renta dress, gifted to Carrie by Aleksandr Petrovski in the final season of SATC. The very same episode where Carrie then goes on to faint outside of the opera, because of all that over-the-top romance. Resulting in a trip to the local McDonalds instead. I can definitely relate.